Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Have A Little Faith

Today in Western Civilization we went over one power point so far. Sydney and co presented their power point about LO-1 along with LO-2 and LO-3! So much material to cover! I'm pretty sure we were close to finishing their power-point, but I'm not sure. Mr. Schick said that we were the next group to present. Hopefully this goes well. I'm not super fond of presenting material in front of the class. One thing you have to do when listening to another group - have a little faith. Have some faith that they aren't feeding you information with err. Mr. Schick also told us a good story. He told us a story about a veteran that he saw in the 70's with his friends. This veteran had still had the responses to certain situations as he did from the war. He dropped on the ground when a startling noise or action started. I really liked the story because I love to hear about anything from the 20th century. By far, my favorite century.

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