Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Answers/Daily Blog

So today in class we did these questions...
1. 1600-1110 BC = Myceneans. The Oracle of Delphi was made in the year 1400 BC. This was the most famous shrine in all of Greece.
2.  1200s = This was around the fall of the Mycenean empire. Their civilization disappeared, as far as evidence can tell, and then it fell into "The Dark Ages".
3. 1150-750 BC = Homer the poet was around relatively near the 750s. In 750s, his very long versed poetry was written down, as we know it today. Famous novels like the Iliad and the Odyssey.
4. 776 BC = ORIGIN OF THE OLYMPIC GAMES. It is said that the first official Olympics took place in this year. This is quite interesting since the idea of the Olympics lasted all the way until today. Thought we know it in a different way today, it's astonishing that this idea lasted so long.
Near the end of the Dark Ages.
5. 621 BC = The rise of tyrants began. Draco's code of law is introduced.
6. 600-371 BC = 500-323 BC is the Classical Period. Coin money, Sophocales + Euripides write their first tragedies. Democracy is introduced, there is plague and a few other things.
7. 594 BC =
8. 508 BC = Established a democracy. Isagarus is in charge, people turned against him. First time in recorded history.
9. 490-471 BC =
10. 490 BC = The battle of Marathon occurred. During the first Persian invasion of Greece. Under king Darius Persians attacked and we won.
11. 480 BC = Persians destroyed the acropolis. Battle of Salamis - the fake out - the strait of salamis. LOST again.
12. 480-430 BC =
13. 461-429 BC = The age of Pericles.
14. 447-438 BC = Time it took to build the Parthanon. Billion dollars, 30 ft statue of Athena...super wonderful.
15. 431-404 BC = Pelopennisian war. Sparta...Athens. BATTLE! Athens built the walls, get supplies just from the sea. etc
16. 399 BC =
17. 336 BC =

Homer = He was a poet who told great stories involving historical events that occurred back in the Dark Ages/Athenian times. He came up with Iliad and the Odyssey. These novels are still available today.

Odysseus = A Greek King in the novel the Odyssey in Homer's epic poem. He was a hero. He is important because he is a character who is involved with the Trojan War.

Zeus = A major Greek god. He was the god of the sky and ruled over all of the other gods & goddesses. He is significant to Greek mythology.

Athena = She is the goddess that Athens is named after. She is the goddess of reason, intellect, literature and the arts.

Draco = First legislature in Greek history. It means lawgiver. He is a big part of the developing of Greek government.

Solon = Athenian poet, lawmaker and statesman. He is remembered mostly for what he contributed to government.

Pisistratus = A tyrant who ruled Athens for a while. Ruled years 561-527 BC.

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