Thursday, April 11, 2013

M.Schick Lamar and Shickago!

Today Mr. Schick gave us the pleasure of performing his beautiful song to us. He had his daughter assist him in the choruses and such. It was absolutely mind blowing  Some people even got this recorded and i be they will post them places. It was so hilarious. I would never have the guts to do that. We're also getting another project. We're going to be using a website called . Then we have LO - 2 to go over and to take notes on that. Hopefully Mr. Schick's clever song will help us with remembering the history of Rome. It was pretty cool of him to have made a song for it.

Now I will take notes


  • You can be rich and not be a patrician
  • If you're a plebeian you're sort of "out of the loop"
  • Senate had 300 people in it
  • Among the 300 there were 2 men called consuls
  • They had more power than the rest
  • They had the most power
  • Why two consuls?
    • So they could veto
    • They could reach a consensus a lot faster than a Senate of 300 people
    • Another good thing is that you can only be a consul for a year
  • They also would sometimes name a man a dictator in crisis mode. They'd only have power for 6 months and if they needed to.
  • Plebeians don't have enough power :(
  • Patricians used to sort of push Plebeians around
  • NOW
  • The Twelve Tables = set of laws created for Rome
  • This helped people
  • Then people were like "hey we should have a voice in the government"
  • So then they got a branch in the government so they could also contribute to the government
  • One of the new bodies wont the right to elect consuls
  • they had their own consuls now
  • Farmers were now able to elect magistrates like a tribute
  • they were now getting more involved with democracy

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