Sunday, April 7, 2013


So Alexander the Great was born into a broken home. His dad left him a lot and his mom was his rock. She was pretty supportive even when her husband and her broke it off. Alexander tamed this cool horse named Bucephalus because the horse was afraid of it's shadow and Alexander consoled him. Then Alexander sort of drifted from his father, and him and his mom were super close. Then his dad died at a party because he was assassinated  Heaps of people thought Alexander was behind this tragedy. Alexander then took the throne. Tons of people were like "what" and then he proved them wrong by killing them. He then went on - with Bucephalus and started to conquered more places. Eventually he got to India and his men rebelled and were like "Alexander.. there's no more world left. Can we go home already?" And Alexander gave up and was all "FINE". Unfortunately Alexander then tragically died. Many people have theories on his death. Liver disease, poison, malaria, fever, or some flu thing. His body was soaked in honey and he had a golden casket. But we don't really know where his body went. Sadly, Alexander never left anybody else to take his throne so many years (20?) of fighting occurred and then they split up the kingdom. These were now called Hellenistic Kingdoms.

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