Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Important Chapter Info - Lo-1

Today in Western Civilization we got our tests back! I got a whopping one-hundred! What an exciting thing to discover! We're also going over the important information from our new Roman chapter. :)

  • Romans imitated Greek civilization
    • Though they improved on it
    • They loved the way the Greeks did things
    • They had so many admirable things
      • democracy
      • Pericles
      • wonderful war techniques
  • They improved the Greeks government and warfare and added onto what the Greeks had
  • Italy and it's people
    • A Mediterranean land
      • Has farming horses
      • Much similarity to Greece
      • Same line of latitude as Greece
      • Same farming resources
    • Were not as mountainous as Greece
    • Were able to give more food to people and provide more food
  • First people that settled on the peninsula
    • The Latins
      • Settled at the mouth of the Tiger river
      • First learned their alphabet 
        • Gained knowledge of the Greeks
    • Etruscans
      • They then settled on this land
    • Greece also set up on Italy
    • Rome
      • Thought that their empire's placement of the earth was destined to be by the gods
      • They were in the middle of Italy's peninsula
      • Got their alphabet from the Greeks
      • Had the same types of gods
  • Roman government
    • Patricians got their money, were naturally wealthy and were highly held in society. Belong to noble Roman families. Inherited your position, money, etc. Own massive amounts of land and had people work for you.
    • Plebeians basically middle class, they had money but still considered slightly inferior compared to the patricians. Such as farmers, and quaint peoples.
  • Senate
    • A group of people who helped make and pass laws. Kind of like the Council of Elders. They help advise the leaders. Chosen by and were patricians. They would even decide who was next in line to power. 

    • 500 BC monarchy was gone. 
    • Tarquin the Proud = Last king of Rome. 
      • They overthrew monarchy + him because he acted like an evil tyrant
    • They got Tarquin thrown out of power
    • Tarquin's son randomly raped and attacked some women who was a patrician. 
      • Tarquin should've punished his son, BUT he didn't
      • The women killed herself, very shamed
        • Larquisha^ her name
        • People sort of ignored her rape
        • People decided WE HAVE TO FIX THIS
      • So they ran Tarquin out of town
        • Removed him office
        • Expelled him from Rome

  • More Government
    • Referred to their religion as the people's republic - res republic - where the word Republica came from
    • Replaced monarch with a democracy type of thing

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