Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Socrates Given The Blame

Today in Western Civilization, we went over Socrates. We talked about how after the downfall of Pericles, who built a wall around Greece, eventually leading to disease to be brought over by trade and the whole Greek society pretty much crashing and burning...that Socrates was blamed! Government never really restored itself after the (conceded) Pericles led them to their ultimate failure. Athens, naturally, wanted to blame someone! Something about the Greeks - they blame one of their one. They took the blame and placed it on Socrates. Ugly 'ol Socrates has nothing to do with the failure! He was charged with undermining the state's religion and being a negative influence towards minors - what a bunch of bologna (which didn't even exist back then, mind you). Athens definitely took a turn for the worse.... poor Socrates, and don't even get the ball rolling on how innocent veterans who made a mistake were all sentenced to death, by poison!

1 comment:

  1. Nice comment on bologna! I actually laughed out loud.

    Also, I love the titles you give your postings. Very creative.
