Sunday, March 17, 2013

For the test!

Future Kate - Be ready for the test...

1600 – 1100 BC : the myceneans were thriving around 1600BC-1200BC. 
Greek barbarians were adapting and learning new things.
1200s BC : Mycenean settlements are destroyed or abandoned and they dissapear
1150 – 750 BC : dark ages
776 BC : first Olympics are taking place and it becomes a large part of greece
750 – 700 BC : Homer was singing the books that were later writing books. Triremes were being built to use in the navy.
621 BC: Draco wrote really harsh harsh harsh punishments that were pretty evil.
508 BC : Sparta attacked Athens and Cleisthenes fled the city. Isagoras gains power. There was an oligarchical government. Isagoras was forced out and then democracy was formed soon after
490 - 471 BC : The Persians attack Athens
490 BC : victory at the battle of Marathon for Athens. First person invasion of Greece
480 BC : The Persian lost in a battle and lost 200 ships and they fled. Greeks one the battle of Salamus
480 – 430 BC : there were tons of battles between the greeks and the persians and the Greeks won..of course
461 – 429 BC: the delian league formed. The age of periclese....!
447 – 438 BC: the Parthenon was being built. 50ft statue of Athena. Athens was at its height. They declared war on Sparta because they were getting really cocky.
431 – 404 BC: more war against Sparta. Plague came to the city through grain boats and around 20,000 people died,  parapelesian war and the Spartans eventually won. SOCRATES SURVIVED
399 BC: Socrates was put to trial a found guilty cause he didn't defend himself and he was charged with impiety and corrupting the youth
336 BC: final end of Athenian democracy

Homer- blind poet who wrote Iliad and Odyssey and he went around singing ti people

Odysseus- the hero of Homer’s story “The Odyssey”- trying to find his way home and kept having to face weird obstacles by Posidean and others

Zeus- ruler of the sky and all of the gods

Athena- patron god of Athens, goddess of wisdom

Pisistratus- came to Athens with "Athena" he claimed to be a god, should have taken over Athens, gave common people rights to succeed 

Cleisthenes- created democratic republic, people put him in charge after Isagoris aristocrat

Darius (the Great) - king of Persia during the Persian wars- tried to conquer Greece lost the battle of marathon

Xerxes- Darius’s son who sent two Greek expeditions to the mainland - tried to get revenge because of his father in the straits of salamis 

pidipoties- runner in Athens in charge of telling Spartans  myth that he ran from marathon to Athens to declare that he won the battle. Ran from Athens to Sparta 

Themistocles- ruled Athens, defeats Persians. not an aristocrat- was ostrisized

Pericles- aristocrat who was leader of Athens after victory over Persia- built Parthenon Delian league, Espeja- "high class prostitute" but she was a refined, intelligent, beautiful women "high class escort"

Aristophanes- Greek play write that specialized in comedies tragedy-Edopis 

Socrates-well known Greek philosopher

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