Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Bucephalus....Don't Go....Oh and you too Alexander

So we are watching this amazing movie in Western Civilization!!!! I have so much love for it. I get so into the movie! It's crazy. I absolutely love the acting and it has decently good effects and it is just downright wonderful. Unfornately, not all is well. Today we had the displeasure to witness Bucephalus and Alexander get killed!! MURDER! I really with Alexander and Bucephalus could've lived longer, or better yet...forever. I love the both of them and they are an inspiration - Alexander more inspiring than Bucephalus though. They make a good team. They really stuck together. Conquer together. Die together.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

More Greatness (Thanks to Alexander)

Today in Western Civilization we just went over more information about Alexander the Great. We went over how his people revolted when he was India. They didn't think it was necessary to keep fighting the Indians since I mean... Why own all this land anyway? They finally convinced Alexander to give up his conquest plans. Soon after that, though, Alexander died a sudden, tragic death. There is no one theory for how or why Alexander passed away. Some say he had binge drank too much, he was poisoned and the theories go on. After he died, however, they buried him with honey! How could a death be so tragic but so sweet?

Friday, March 22, 2013

Pretty Please?

So today I presented for my group project. I am basically praying that Mr. Schick won't change my grade any lower than it is. I NEED THIS A. So, that's your daily dose of begging and whining. The presentations went well in general. So thats good I suppose. I think Alexander the Great was a really Great guy so yeah. I don't think there is much to say. I am so happy that today is Friday, I'm happy

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"Mr. Schick! I need three more points!"

Today in class we were assigned a.... project! A project you say? Since the quarter is ending soon, some people have been moping about how they only need a few more points to bump up their grade a letter. I, being on the edge of maintaining my A average, was intrigued by this. I guess I could handle getting a few more points added onto my grade? I mean, who wouldn't enjoy bumping their grade up a bit. I would definitely enjoy getting some extra points. Though I guess this does depend on your comprehension on group projects, being that this is one of them. I was a little bummed that I didn't get to pick my group for this assignment. But, I do enjoy Alexander the Great, so this project should be enjoyable!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My New Favorite....Person of Macedonia?

Most people don't tend to have favorite just laying around in their head for every little topic. But I do. My new favorite person from Macedonia has got to be Alexander the Great. The guy sounds.. from lack thereof of words.... great. He seriously sounded like some success story, alright! This guy was at the young age of 20 when he became the leader of the gigantic empire of Macedonia! Taking over at such a young age many doubted him. Alexander didn't even flinch! So what there are people plotting to overthrow me! He tortured them and showed his kingdom he wasn't one to be trifled with, that's for sure! What a guy! Even though he did brutally torture people (though it is technically justified) he did things that are more positive and even more note worthy! In about a 12 year span, Alexander conquered 90% of the known world - now imagine that on your resume! He was definitely a catalyst to his already developing world. Besides that, Alexander did so many other wonderful things to help advance the world. There is much to come about Alexander - after all - we haven't even really started discussing him yet.

Monday, March 18, 2013

On to the Next Chapter

Today we took a test in Western Civilization. We're now moving onto Chapter 5! So here we go....

Map of Macedonia pasted above.

Hellenistic - It is the word used to refer to the "international" period of Greek history, in which much of the Mediterranean and most of Southwestern Asia were ruled by Greece. Period of Greek history between the death of the Macedonian king and Alexander the Great.

Why did the mighty Athenians lose?
       There were multiple reasons which contributed to the loss of the Peloponnesian war for the Athenians. The main three broad ways in which they lost from is natural disaster, poor leadership and damage to weaponry. Firstly, a devastating plague hit Athens during battle. This battle killed about one third of Athenians! After that, Athens was never quite the same. They now started a long string of careless, sloppy leaders. They made bad decisions and tried multiple times to re-cooperate Athens which failed. One in which members agreed to pay money to reconstruct Athens' triremes.

       Also it was a poorly strategized plan. They over extended themselves, already having an issue with Corin. There wasn't even a necessary reason to attack Sparta in the first place. They just got cocky with their victories so far and they figured they could thrive again. They were wrong.

        The next thing that greatly caused the loss is damage. Athens lost two thirds of their fleet when they went on an escapade against Sparta. Also, Sparta had a little help from another one of Athens' competitors  The spiteful Persians helped the Spartans! Alas, this plan was successful! The Persians helped to fund the Spartans to build an even larger fleet aka navy. Yet again, in another battle with their larger fleet, Sparta dominated the Athens in another battle in 405 B.C. The navy and trade being destroyed, the Athenians were forced to be starved and surrendered so some of them could survive in the year of 404 B.C.

        In 359 B.C., Macedonia was now ruled by King Phillip II. King Phillip II was a determined man. He wanted to gain control of the vast majority of city states. He wanted to unite Greece with Macedonia so they could together, in unison, conquer and go up against the mighty Persians! He enhanced his army and had many aspirations. Finally, someone with a positive plan!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

For the test!

Future Kate - Be ready for the test...

1600 – 1100 BC : the myceneans were thriving around 1600BC-1200BC. 
Greek barbarians were adapting and learning new things.
1200s BC : Mycenean settlements are destroyed or abandoned and they dissapear
1150 – 750 BC : dark ages
776 BC : first Olympics are taking place and it becomes a large part of greece
750 – 700 BC : Homer was singing the books that were later writing books. Triremes were being built to use in the navy.
621 BC: Draco wrote really harsh harsh harsh punishments that were pretty evil.
508 BC : Sparta attacked Athens and Cleisthenes fled the city. Isagoras gains power. There was an oligarchical government. Isagoras was forced out and then democracy was formed soon after
490 - 471 BC : The Persians attack Athens
490 BC : victory at the battle of Marathon for Athens. First person invasion of Greece
480 BC : The Persian lost in a battle and lost 200 ships and they fled. Greeks one the battle of Salamus
480 – 430 BC : there were tons of battles between the greeks and the persians and the Greeks won..of course
461 – 429 BC: the delian league formed. The age of periclese....!
447 – 438 BC: the Parthenon was being built. 50ft statue of Athena. Athens was at its height. They declared war on Sparta because they were getting really cocky.
431 – 404 BC: more war against Sparta. Plague came to the city through grain boats and around 20,000 people died,  parapelesian war and the Spartans eventually won. SOCRATES SURVIVED
399 BC: Socrates was put to trial a found guilty cause he didn't defend himself and he was charged with impiety and corrupting the youth
336 BC: final end of Athenian democracy

Homer- blind poet who wrote Iliad and Odyssey and he went around singing ti people

Odysseus- the hero of Homer’s story “The Odyssey”- trying to find his way home and kept having to face weird obstacles by Posidean and others

Zeus- ruler of the sky and all of the gods

Athena- patron god of Athens, goddess of wisdom

Pisistratus- came to Athens with "Athena" he claimed to be a god, should have taken over Athens, gave common people rights to succeed 

Cleisthenes- created democratic republic, people put him in charge after Isagoris aristocrat

Darius (the Great) - king of Persia during the Persian wars- tried to conquer Greece lost the battle of marathon

Xerxes- Darius’s son who sent two Greek expeditions to the mainland - tried to get revenge because of his father in the straits of salamis 

pidipoties- runner in Athens in charge of telling Spartans  myth that he ran from marathon to Athens to declare that he won the battle. Ran from Athens to Sparta 

Themistocles- ruled Athens, defeats Persians. not an aristocrat- was ostrisized

Pericles- aristocrat who was leader of Athens after victory over Persia- built Parthenon Delian league, Espeja- "high class prostitute" but she was a refined, intelligent, beautiful women "high class escort"

Aristophanes- Greek play write that specialized in comedies tragedy-Edopis 

Socrates-well known Greek philosopher

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Debate Without Socrates!

Today we learned even more about Socrates. I respect him greatly. Rather than dying without dignity, he died dignified and standing for what he believed was right. He was definitely honorable but by nobody else's standards and that's what makes it honorable. He definitely did something different in Athens that should have been embraced rather than frowned upon. He taught people to think for themselves, rather than looking to other's for the simple, expected answers. Definitely a respectable, unconventional man, especially for Athens many many years ago!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Socrates Given The Blame

Today in Western Civilization, we went over Socrates. We talked about how after the downfall of Pericles, who built a wall around Greece, eventually leading to disease to be brought over by trade and the whole Greek society pretty much crashing and burning...that Socrates was blamed! Government never really restored itself after the (conceded) Pericles led them to their ultimate failure. Athens, naturally, wanted to blame someone! Something about the Greeks - they blame one of their one. They took the blame and placed it on Socrates. Ugly 'ol Socrates has nothing to do with the failure! He was charged with undermining the state's religion and being a negative influence towards minors - what a bunch of bologna (which didn't even exist back then, mind you). Athens definitely took a turn for the worse.... poor Socrates, and don't even get the ball rolling on how innocent veterans who made a mistake were all sentenced to death, by poison!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Persian War or the Persians No More?

Today in Western Civilization we learned more about the Persian Wars. It's incredible that the Greeks won! What is even more incredible is that just Athens alone beat the Persians (in the first round at least). Its crazy that some few thousand unskilled fighters beat 20,000 Persians. They even killed about 6,000 of them! I still feel a little bad for the man who ran to Sparta for help! 140 Miles for absolutely nothing! I mean, we are all aware that the Spartans don't like the Athenians but really?! Deny them help to save your country? Do you really not like them that much?! That's crazy!

Monday, March 4, 2013

More Film

Today in Western Civilization we continued to go over the video. This video is really eye-opening. It's must have been a big step Clisthenes to overpower Athens. What an achievement, but yet what a very scary thing to do. What if people over-threw you or you got in trouble? Well. He did! Another aristocrat banished him and all of the other aristocrats and made a deal with Sparta. Athens was actually under Sparta's rule for awhile! But no fear! The common people are here. They rebelled and ended up defeating that awful tyrant and re-invited Clisthenes to stay with them! How wonderful to be brought back to his people - and by great demand too! What a fairy-tale ending, I must say.