Monday, May 13, 2013


What did Constantine do for the Roman empire? - Edict of Mulan, added onto the army
What reforms did Diocletian make?
How did Diocletian treat the arising Christians? - with torture
What types of torture did Diocletian give to the Christians? - fires, torture, cut them
What religion is Constantine? - Christian
How was Christianity treated in the beginning? - As a bad cult
Who was a very important person of the faith that helped to spread it? Paul
What did Constantine see in the sky before the battle? - conquer by this
What is the sign that Constantine used in a battle? - the cross
What is the Edict of Mulan? - People can't be persecuted of their religion
What revelation did Constantine have? - Christianity might help them
What does Gospels mean? -Good News
What god were the Christians forced to give sacrifice to? -Jupiter (Roman gods)
Who lit the fire in the Imperial palace? - we have no idea
What religion was Jesus born into? Jewish
What religion was Constantine's mother? - Christian
How many government officials were under Diocletian's rule? 20,000
Problems? Epidemic disease, couldn't defend frontier against barbarians, emperors began to lose their hold on power, maintaining army was too expensive.
Explain who Christianity appealed to? - Poor people, because they wanted to be redeemed and stuff
How many people were added to the military when Diocletian came into power? 400,000
What did the Edict of Mulan do? Made all religions be accepted?
Who wrote the Edict of Mulan? Constantine

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