Wednesday, May 15, 2013

No Mas Notalones Por Favor

Today in class we took more notes *drawn out sarcastic yippee*. But in all seriousness, this school year needs to go faster! So here are the notes we took

Diocletian was super chill with persecuting Christians. He ruled from 284 - 303. Rome needs a big army (400,000) and big government of (20,000).

Constantine rules from 306-337. He thinks its pretty chill to be a Christian. He's "down" with that. He converted to Christianity (conquer by this!) and He has the Edict of Milan in 13. You're free to worship!!! Built a new capital also called Byzantium, which is then changed to Constantinople.

In the 4th century...this is how things went.

People were basically dirt poor from super high taxes. There was new farming structure. Peasants work for the more popular landlords on huge farms. Peasants are able to avoid taxes, but then they run into the landlords. It's always something isn't it? Then peasants could pay off debts and they were so fortunate *not* to work on the land endlessly for grotesque work - how fun. Landowners have lots of local power in bishops, and they were getting some more power. Go us! And this basically foreshadows the feudal system.

The power of Rome is going down, and nomadic barbarians are getting more power. The western empire is too poor, and neglected. Huns migrate from China to eastern Europe. Visigoths take over Spain, and actually capture tons of Rome itself in 410

Vandals control Carthage and western Mitterrand  Other tribes to know - Ostrogoths in Italy, Franks in Gaul, and Angles and Saxons in Britain.

500 BC - monarchy abolished
450 BC - 12 tables
44 BC - end of the line for julius C
27 until 188 Ad - Pax romana

constant fifth century invasions by barbarian tribes left the western roman empire shattered and crumbling

The last emperor was a teenage boy installed in 475 by his padre.
Barbarians deposed Romulus Augustulus without bothering to kill him

So now its overrr.

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