Saturday, January 19, 2013


Today was the first day of our new semester. We are now doing Western Civilization. I was introduced to my new teacher Mr. Schick, which is a change because I previously had Mr. Powell. First in class, Mr. Schick introduced himself. We then proceeded to take roll. After our name was called we received our new text book for this semester. Last semester we didn't have any books, so this will be a bit of a change. We then spoke about our daily homework. Our daily homework is in fact the blog post that you are reading right this second. That's also what we did in class. We created this blog dedicated to our Western Civilization class. We also spoke about our assigned homework. We have to read out of our book and then write a couple hundred words based on the ideas we read. We didn't have much time for anything else, so that in summary, is what we did in class.