Sunday, January 27, 2013

Our First Quiz..Of Many?

Today in Western Civilization we were given a quiz to complete. The first few minutes of class were laid back and we were all getting settled. You would not have seen a pop quiz coming. And that, is the trickiest thing about pop quizzes. You never see them coming. They strike like a thief in the night. On that note, we did, inevitably have to take the quiz. Don't get me wrong, quizzes are definitely not on my list of hobbies or leisurely activities, but the quiz wasn't all that difficult. I have faith that I did some-what decently on the quiz. We then discussed the joys of language. We talked about how language came to be, and how we've gotten to all of the intricate, advanced languages we have today. Mr. Schick explained that cavemen probably started language by first using noises that signified certain things. His example was that if something, such as burning yourself would be the outcome of an action, one caveman would warn the other by making a whiny noise. Just shortly after this, we were informed that we had a two our delay because of snow, you would've thought some kids had never heard of such a thing. Half of the class was near exploding with excitement. And with that, I would like to say that it did indeed snow.

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